Thursday, November 7, 2013

Marriage Fidelity

On Wednesday we talked about what marriage fidelity is and how it is viewed in society today.  Many people believe the only way to be unfaithful to your spouse is to cheat on them or have a sexual relationship outside of your marriage.  However, there are many other ways one can be unfaithful to a spouse.  Things as simple as putting work or hobbies before taking care of the needs of your spouse is being unfaithful.  Talking to previous boyfriends or girlfriends or chatting on facebook or other social media can cause infidelity.  Spending more time with friends than your spouse or confiding in your parents instead of your spouse can cause infidelity.  Some more serious forms of infidelity are sexting or actually having a sexual relationship with someone other than your spouse.  Although some of these things may not seem like a big deal, the point is they all are dishonest to your spouse and lead to poorer decisions over time.  A faithful spouse puts their spouse above all else, takes care of their needs, loves them wholeheartedly, and is completely honest in all things at all times.

1 comment:

  1. I loved learning key tools in seeking to "Affair Proof" marriages such as setting very clear boundaries with your spouse. What were your feelings regarding the notion of the 'friends phenomenon?' I love the truth found in Genesis 2:24, that "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife..." As we cleave unto our spouse we will be blessed with strength to overcome temptations. What do you think are some of the most common ways in which spouses can act unfaithfully? I enjoyed your thought that faithful spouses will "put their spouse above all else." If we keep this thought in mind and understand he magnitude of marriage, we will have a greater desire to more fully "cleave" unto our spouse.
