This week we discussed how dating prepares us for marriage. We discussed how dating can show whether a man is likely to be a good provider and protector and preside over his family. A date should be planned, paired off and paid for. If a date has carefully planned out it is a good indicator that the man will be able to preside over his family and make wise decisions. Part of good planning includes discussing and approving the activities with the date. Dates should be paired off because this helps create a sense of protecting each other. If your date is more interested in spending time with other people in your group and ignores you during the date it may be a sign that he won't be dedicated to protecting you and providing for your needs. A man who pays for a date demonstrates that he will be good provider for his wife and family. This doesn't mean that he needs to spend lots of money on a date but he shouldn't expect you to pay for a date he asked you on.
I had not previously realized how many indicators of a good marriage could be found in dating. I will definitely start paying more attention to these signs in mine and others relationships.
The "3 P's of dating" are such a great indicator to future behavior. Brother Williams often says "the best indicator of future behavior is current behavior!" How is the previous thought applicable to dating. As we well know, dating influences our future family, family of origin, etc. How is this knowledge helpful when seriously dating and in the courtship process? What is a main indicator that you have seen while dating that could be potentially beneficial or harmful in a marriage?